​Looking back and looking ahead

​Looking back and looking ahead

Published by Amy Kristiansen on Jan 9th 2021

Glass Paradox saw a lot of changes in 2020, some good and some not so good. Thankfully, we were able to stay safe and continue doing what we love - painting glass and sharing our artwork with others. Unfortunately, it looked a bit different and everything was online...no fairs or festivals, and no in-person events. We did manage one local show before the pandemic changed things and were able to open the studio for our annual Holiday Open House.

We learned a lot this year - Glass Paradox has become more on-line and interest has been better than anticipated. In addition to the Glass Paradox website, we have an Etsy shop where you can find additional styles, and a FaceBook page where you’ll find updates on designs and studio tidbits. All very exciting and fun! However, we truly missed traveling, meeting new people, and catching up with old friends.

As we look forward to 2021, we are planning to continue our focus on improving our online presence. Shipping is time consuming and expensive for us - a reduction in event fees help to balance it out, partly. We are not planning to participate in any events for the first half of the year and the second half is yet to be discussed. I’m leaning towards another year at home, aside from working my “real job”, and building our inventory to streamline the online ordering and shipping process. My goal is to be able to offer artware that is “painted and ready to ship” on our website instead of “paint to order” reducing processing times and making the website more customer friendly. All of the artware in our Etsy shop already follows this format, painted and ready to ship, making it easier to prepare and ship orders as they come in.

Wobbly Wine glasses - Coming Soon

There will be new styles added to the website as the year progresses. The blanks arrived a few months ago and are in the basement waiting to be painted. The 10oz goblet and 8oz wine glass we have been painting for over a decade have been discontinued and will be replaced by a new style wine glass soon. The 8oz stemless wine glass, small rocks glass, and margarita glasses will also be disappearing from our offerings. We have a new wobbly wine glass to introduce in 2021 along with a couple beer glasses and a new shot glass! So, all in all, we are looking forward to 2021, Glass Paradox’s 28th year!

Be Kind and Stay Safe!