About Us

Glass Paradox

029.jpgGlass Paradox is a studio for creating and sharing distinctive art-glass - This includes wine glasses, shot glasses, candles, and more. Featuring stemware as works of art - Beautiful to look at, fun to use, that's the paradox! Since 1993 Glass Paradox has shared the joy of owning  and sharing these works of art created by Amy Kristiansen. There are many designs, yet each piece is a hand-painted, one of a kind creation!  

Amy Kristiansen

Glass painting started as a hobby, at the kitchen table, and kind of mushroomed from there. I enjoyed creating pretty, useful things from yard sale finds and giving them to my family and friends. After a time, I had created far more pretty things than I could give to people I knew so, I attempted a craft fair. People loved it and I soon tried others.

Amy KristiansenThrough the years I have learned a lot about glass, mostly through trial and error! I discovered that some glass could not withstand the heating process and would disintegrate... putting an end to my art. As a result, I stopped buying my pieces from yard sales and sought out a product that would constantly allow me to have a useful finished piece.

People started looking for my artware and wanting to add to the pieces they had bought from me before. I tried consignment at a few local shops and was successful there too!

Today, my artware can be found in galleries, boutiques and small shops throughout the country, as well as online. I also continue to do a few retail craft fairs each year.  I still paint each piece myself, just not at the kitchen table! My designs are unique in using the entire glass, they are complimented everywhere I go. I know you will enjoy them!

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