This Holiday Season is shaping up to be a little different, though different seems to be the “new normal”. Sadly, we will not be participating in holiday craft fairs and festivals. There will be no weekend trips to the cities, connecting with other artisans, foodies, craftsmen, and dining in fine restaurants at the end of a busy day. Happily, we will still be hosting our annual Holiday Open house (with precautions and guidelines in place), participating in a few online events, and offering online specials on our website from December 1st through the 10th, allowing ample shipping time before Christmas. Here are some details about the 2020 Holiday Season for Glass Paradox:
Let’s start with the online events. I had my doubts about participating - online is not the best platform for my artware as I truly believe seeing and touching are part of the buying experience. However, we are continually improving our online presence and presentation so I figured, “why not?”
Maine Made - the state’s most prestigious supporter of all things handmade in Maine - will be promoting members through their Facebook and Instagram sites. You’ll need to check these daily between November 1st and December 1st as it is still in the planning stages but Glass Paradox will be a part of it.
The John Bapst F.A.B. Holiday Craft Fair is a seasonal favorite that will not be happening this year. However, they are sponsoring an Online Holiday Craft Fair from November 15th - December 15th which Glass Paradox will be a part of along with many other talented craft artists from across the area. The same quality you find in person will be curated online for your shopping ease.
On to the Annual Holiday Open House. This event has traditionally occurred on the 2nd Saturday in December, and this year (at least in this regard) is no different.
Join us on Saturday December 12th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at
The Glass Paradox Studio
67 Page Street
Brownville, Maine
We need to adhere to the Maine state guidelines concerning the pandemic which are changing on a regular basis. You can expect that masks will be required, social distancing, and a limited number of guests will be permitted inside at a time. Please be patient and prepared to wait outside if necessary. We are never terribly crowded but the studio space is small and everyone’s safety is our top priority. Given the restrictions, we may consider being open on Sunday afternoon as well that weekend, by appointment if there is enough interest.